A downloadable game

A 2D side - scroller platformer game created by Valiantry

Run and try to escape while you can!


W or Up to jump

A or Left to go left

D or Right to go right

S or Down to fall faster


Whity.zip 11 MB

Install instructions

Unzip the file and enjoy it!

(NOTE: You have to run the .exe file with other data files. If you try to run the exe where those files are not located, the game won't start.)

Development log


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Oyunun Loreunu çok beğendim özellikle 2 amcamız olması beni çok duygulandırdı :')


I played through it all, I had some fun with it! I like the difficulty as I like games similar to NES titles. However, I feel like the lighting is too dark. It looks really nice but it's too hard to see enemies off-screen when you have to make a jump or fall. I would recommend an outline of the enemies, for example. It was a lot of fun! Thanks for making a great game

Glad you enjoyed the game! Thank you for your comment and feedback, it really helps me to make further adjustments!